Gotin Diçe Nıvis Dımine-Roşan Lezgîn Peşi, gotin hebüye. Gotinek. Weki tove hemi gotinan. Gotine gotineka din ji xwe afirandiye. Her du gotin hatine ber hev, bune hevokek, bune ifadeyek. Koma gotin ü hevokan, bune zimanek. Ziman ji hev parçe buye, ziman ji zimanan zayine. Her komeka merivan buye xwediye zimaneki. Zimani renge xwe daye axaftvanen xwe. Axaftvanen denge xwe daye zimani. Di şibhe hev de diruv irtine. Yek beyi ye din bexwedi ye, kem e, biqusur e, kamil nin e.
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Gotin Diçe Nıvis Dımine-Roşan Lezgîn
Prep. This book circulated around my advisory for a while, and for two years I was taunted with the short title and preppy belt on the cover. I could never quite get my hands on a copy, and part of me didn't want to read the book anyway, because it seemed like the tyical teen girl novel, very Gossip Girl-ish. But after finding a bunch of copies in the new advisory room, I decided to give the book a try. What I found was satisfactory, at best. The book is about a girl named Lee Fiora, who leaves her home in Indiana for a new life at a Boston Preparatory School swarming with, well, preps. It's narrated through the eyes of Lee, who proves to be an observant and worrisome person. It's a coming of age book to the fullest, starting with her beginning at the prep school, and ending with graduation and an epilogue. There is no real plot per se, which I usually like, but here I found a bit annoying. It simply jumps from one uninteresting event to another, and about half-way through the book you feel completely bored. The language and earnestness of the narration was what really kept me going. I loved reading about the different characters that Lee described in an attempt by author Curtis Sittenfeld to show the inner tensions and class dynamics of teenage life at a seemingly well-off and happy school. I really did love the character of Lee Fiora. Some may find her a bit annoying, but I could definitely relate to her constant worrying and anxiety. I found myself feeling a pity for her at the beginning, warming up to her experiences in the middle of the book, then feeling alienated at the end, as she moved on to applying for colleges, graduation, etc., things that I have not experienced yet.
2023-02-18 05:23
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