Kitap Hayat İçindir-Doğan Hızlan Kitap Hayat İçindir - Doğan Hızlan Doğan Hızlan’dan güncelin izini süren, ama bir yandan da günceli temelendiren, ona tarihi bir perspektiften bakmaya çalışan yazılar… Varaklamak sözü eski yayınevi yöneticilerinin, kitap seçicilerinin çok kulandığı bir deyim. Cağaloğlu lügatinden kalma yani. Yayınevlerinin her birinde böyle varaklayan tecrübeli cubeb vardır. Yayıncılıkta, kitap okumada, değerlendirmede yılar sonra meleke kesbetmiş kişilerin, kısa sürede bir kitap hakında fikir edinmesi bu tanımın içine girer. Tempo dergisiyle beraber verilen Tempo Kitap’ta ise ya gündemden, ya karate gündemimden, ya genel edebiyat ve yayın dünyasından hareketle yazılar kaleme aldım. Oradaki yazılarım kitap yazısıyla deneme arasındaki gelgitlerden oluşuyor. ” Deneme edebiyatımızın duayeni Doğan Hızlan, relative yılarda, daha önceden sürekli okuru olduğu iki yayında, Radikal Kitap’ta “Varaklamak” başlıklı köşesinde ve Tempo dergisinin eki Tempo Kitap’ta yazılarını paylaştı okurlarıyla. Kitap Hayat İçindir bu yazılardan yapılmış bir seçme. Kuşkusuz güncelin izini süren, ama bir yandan da günceli temelendiren, ona tarihi bir perspektiften bakmaya çalışan yazılar.
Kitap Hayat İçindir-Doğan Hızlan kitap PDF, Mobi tam sürüm
Kitap Hayat İçindir-Doğan Hızlan
3.5 stars Catherine McAllister didn't expect to be widowed in Indian Territory, her husband dead in a freak accident. When her neighbor and best friend Amanda is left alone as well, the women move in together. Soon, they find friendship was the least of it, and settle in as a married couple to make a go of their joint homestead. When zombies begin devouring their livestock, they treat the invaders like any other predator. Aided by Amanda's mother-in-law, Half-Moon, Catherine leads the local homesteaders in defense of all their wives and children. Will they be able to keep the things that go bump in the night off their land? Catherine knows that something has to be horribly wrong when Eli comes running across the fields to find her. Eli is Amanda’s oldest son, acting as the man of the household after his father John died from a fever caught while clearing a swamp. When Catherine’s husband Luke died in an accident, the women joined their ranches together. The last thing they need is to be trying to run a ranch and raise children alone in Indian Territory. Out of friendship a deep love has blossomed and the women live as a married couple raising their combined family. Especially when there are zombies afoot. Many of the townspeople believe the Choctaw Indians are to blame for the monsters. But it is more likely due to slave-holders not wanting to give up their free labor, so they killed their slaves and had voodoo men bring them back to life. The zombies have traveled out of Louisiana and invaded the ranches in the area and it is up to Catherine to gather all the homesteaders together to defend their land and their families. Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch is a really interesting story with elements that are rarely found together. It is a historical story about two women who, through the loss of their husbands, discover a love and caring for one another that fills their hearts. But it is also a horror story of zombies eating livestock and attacking the homesteaders. It’s a crazy combination but it works, and we get insight into Catherine’s character by watching how she deals with the zombie invasion. The relationship between Catherine and Amanda is developed and the intimate moments are handled delicately and with a great historical voice. The women have combined their ranches and redefined their families, in a way that works for everyone. I really enjoyed this story and look forward to reading more from the author.
2022-10-28 17:01
This is a classic - it chronicles the migration of midwestern/Oklahoman farmers to California after the Dust Bowl during the Great Depression through the personal stories of the Joad family. This book was very controversial when first published. It is so much - a history of the Depression, the plight of migrant workers, the union movement, the story of a family, and the ultimate humanity that can be found in the midst of despair. I loved it, and it resonated with me long after I read the final page.
2022-08-30 08:06
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