Mini Masallar - Kurbağa Prens ile Demir Henri - Grimm Masalları PDF'de kitap

Mini Masallar - Kurbağa Prens ile Demir Henri - Grimm Masalları PDF tam sürüm kitap

Mini Masallar - Kurbağa Prens ile Demir Henri - Grimm Masalları kitap PDF, Mobi tam sürüm

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  • boyutlar: Normal Boy
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  • Fiyat: 13,00 TL

Kitap eleştirileri

Mini Masallar - Kurbağa Prens ile Demir Henri - Grimm Masalları


More like 3 1/2 for me. Alright, let's start from the begining here. How about with Jace's attitude. He is in fact an absolute ass and yet some how I actually still find him intriguing. It's always refreshing to see people speak their minds, despite how harsh it may be. There were many times I was slightly annoyed by the way he acted towards certain people at certain times. His harsh actions were not always validated but I honestly understood them. I may not agree with someone being mean and crude to others all of the time and it may not even be the right thing to do; but I understand. If I had gone through the downfalls that he has I'd probably be the same way. Unfortunately, you can't just escape your past or even act like it doesn't bother you. When it came down to Jace and the way that he dealt with his "father", I can't hold that against him either. He still feels something towards his father despite everything that he knows about him. It's stupid for him to feel that way and it's stupid that he can't say he he doesn't hate home after that. Again it's understandable. A lot of kids would do anything to gain the respect of their parents, regardless. Even and especially if there were abused. Yea, the idea of everything that jace does and feels is slightly revolting but it's all understanding. Even the way he was acting towards Clary. I can only imagine wha the situation could do to someone's psychi. I actually find myself wanting the two of them to be together despite the fact that they think they are brother and sister. Mainly because I often forget about that. Then I remember it and find myself going "WTF Tiffany, that's demented and disgusting". At the same time I almost feel that it shouldn't be warranted that kind of response. The fell for each other before the found out. How do you just erase feelings? You don't. You can't. Even with that kind of insight, especially when they didn't grow up together, it's not going to be easy. It seems awful but another understandable thing. Now that I'm done talking about Jace and his "50 shades of fucked upness" let's move to Clary. Nice and short.. She seems stupid at times, she doesn't think about her actions. Besides the runes, she is practically rendered useless and is a liability. I havent been a huge fan of hers. That's where I'm leaving off with her. What they did to Simon annoyed me. However, having already started the next book, it ties in well. Im not a huge fan of his either but I like him better than Clary. At least he can kill a daemon. I like Alec. He seems pretty innocent and soft, I like that for him. He still shows strength through all that and he is super loyal. I like him with Magnus who has been awesome at helping them all out. I could care less about the rest of the characters. Valentine is a decent villain and makes things interesting. Luke has been awesome with Clary and I heart him. Her mom is non existent in this book so not much to say there. Isabel just annoys me. I loved when everyone came together at the end to support the battle with the shadow hunters and valentine.... Anyway, after all that I am ending this review so that I don't write a book of my own. Overall, I found the book intriguing, annoying, stupid, funny, outlandish, and multiple other adjectives. Major mixed feelings for the things that went down in this book.

2022-10-26 03:23


Kahraman, klişe süper kahraman kitaplarına orijinal bir dönüş yapan bir kitaptır. Ve gerçekten iyi bir okuma yapan orijinal spin. Kahraman Thom, problemleri olan bir çocuktur: babası sakat ve rezil bir süper kahraman, annesi görünmez ve eksik, insanları bir dokunuşla iyileştirebiliyor gibi görünüyor ve dışarı çıkmak da tam olarak kolay değil. Sonunda hayatının kontrolünü ele geçirmeye çalıştığında felaket olur. Güçleri diğer insanları hasta eden hastalıklı küçük bir çocuk, büyük bir tutum problemi ve kalbi kıran sırrı olan bir kız, üstünlük kompleksi olan bir kahraman, yaşlı bir psişik kadın ve gizemsiz bir kahraman tarafından yol boyunca yardımcı oldu burnunu diğer insanların işlerinden uzak tutuyor gibi görünüyor, Thom sonunda hayatta en önemli olanı değil, hayattan ne istediğini bulur. Thom'un ne yapacağını sihirli bir şekilde bilmeyen ve her insan gibi yol boyunca bol miktarda hata yapan mükemmel inanılır bir karakter olduğunu sevdim. Süper kahraman isimlerini çok sevdim, bazen beni uyandırdılar. Cidden - Uberman? Görünmez Lass? Binbaşı Might? Ssnake? Altın çocuk? Compu-Kid? İnsan Lekesi? Ben özveri okuduğu gibi, bu gerçekten "herkes için" bir kitap olduğunu düşünüyorum.

2020-01-22 19:58

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