Planetwaves Pw-Dfp-01 PDF'de kitap

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Planetwaves Pw-Dfp-01 Planetwaves Pw-Dfp-01

Planetwaves Pw-Dfp-01 kitap PDF, Mobi tam sürüm

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  • Fiyat: 95,35 TL

Kitap eleştirileri

Planetwaves Pw-Dfp-01


** spoiler alert ** Two or three books back, Margaret Maron's series featuring Judge Deborah Knott saw the protagonist abruptly enter a relationship with a guy she'd known since childhood, but had never considered as a mate. Carlotta, enagaged (sans ring) to Sam Gianelli, sleeps with Mooney. Until Maron paired off Knott, the stories' voice was entirely first-person, evolving into alternating first-person Knott, and omniscient. This book switches about halfway through from Carlotta to Mooney, and later back to Carlotta, working in tandem with Mooney using the combined info given to the reader. Worked better here than with the Knott series, but I found it derivative of Barnes to use the technique right after Maron did so. I had skipped the previous (blockbuster it seems) book featuring Paulina's abduction to Colombia, and feel I missed little, with Barnes giving enough references to fill in the gap. A big plus of Devil for me was that Paulina rarely appears here, recovering at a mental hospital after her ordeal; Carlotta's agonizing over her "little sister" was tedious, but kept to small doses. It'd been a few years since I'd read the previous books, so I couldn't really remember Sam Gianelli at all (Mooney, Roz and Gloria, yes). He's absent in this one, hiding out from a murder charge, of which Carlotta believes him innocent. Technically, that's true (he was framed), but he reveals himself as pretty much the creepy mobster Carlotta had refused to acknowledge, until now: "Don't you love me, Carlotta?" "I love you, Sam, but I don't like you, nor respect you." Wish I could've done this without spoilers!

2023-07-05 17:35

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